Gain instant liquidity on EXISTING stakes by delegating your existing HSI to Actuator and then minting 'HEX Time Tokens' (HTT) against the intrinsic stake value (i.e. staked HEX + HEX rewards to date)
Get instant liquidity back on NEW HEX stakes by extracting HTTs against the principal
Regular Income Stream: Progressively extract HTTs as your underlying stake increases in HEX value.
Preserve optionality in the event the stake needs to be monetized liquidated at a future date
Achieve leveraged HEX Stake returns through Amplified Stakes
Avoiding EES
HEX Time Tokens (HTT)
Lock in a fixed rate of return, in HEX terms, through purchase of HTTs
gain exposure to leveraged HEX without liquidation
Indirectly participate in the upside of HEX staking stake while retaining liquidity
Hedge undesirable changes in the HEX yield curve (e.g. hedge duration risk)
Arbitrage temporarily mispriced HTTs
Speculate on changing yield curve shape
Utilize yield curve to identify and implement optimal HEX staking strategy