Security Audits
Dedaub - September 6th
- Full report -
- "2 auditors worked on the codebase for 5 days (each)"
- "A single low severity issue was found." (and has since been resolved)
SourceHat - August 27th
- Full report -
- "All findings have been resolved, and minimal centralized aspects are present."
- Vulnerability Analysis marked PASS on all categories.
Financial Audit
Dedaub - September 6th
- Full report -
- The financial audit verified the following key financial invariants:
- 1 'HEX Time Token' (HTT) is always redeemable for 1 HEX at the designated redemption day - assuming all HTT holders invoke redemption no later than 14 days after redemption day
- After minting HTTs against a stake, the quantity of HEX the staker forgoes at end stake is exactly equivalent to the quantity of HTTs created - assuming the stake is ended before the 'end stake subsidy' kicks in on the fourth day after end stake.
Code audits alone are not a comprehensive assessment of all risks associated with a smart contract. It is essential to conduct your own research when evaluating the risk of any contract(s).